Index to: Quran, The Final Testament

by Dr. Rashad Khalifa

Click on any letter to hyperlink to the alphbetical listing within the index.

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Aad (see also Hood)

Aaron (see also Moses)

Abou-Lahab 111:1-5

Abel 5:27-32

Ablution 4:43; 5:6

Abominations 5:3,90; 6:121; 7:80; 22:30; 27:54; 29:28-29

Abortion 6:151; 17:31; 22:2; 60:12


Abrogation 2:106,187; 3:50; 6:115; 13:39; 16:101; 18:27; 78:37

Abuse of scripture 7:28,32-33, 37, 53, 162-166; 10:15-19; 11:18-19; 16:88

Accusations 4:112,156; 24:4-6,11-26


Adoption 12:21; 28:9; 33:4-5,37

Adultery 4:15-16,19,25,156; 5:5; 17:32; 24:2-10; 25:68; 60:12; 65:1; 70:29-31

Age of responsibility 46:15

Aggression forbidden 2:190-194; 4:91; 5:2; 7:33,55; 8:19,60-61; 9:4,7; 16:126; 22:39; 42:40-43; 60:8-9

Agreements see Covenant, Promises

Alimony 2:240-241

Allegory (see also Examples)
2:17,19-20,24-26,265; 3:7; 4:56; 7:58,179; 9:109; 10:27; 13:14-17; 14:18,24-26; 18:45; 22:73; 24:39-40; 29:41; 50:11; 57:20; 62:5


Almighty,God is
2:129,209,220,228,240,260; 3:4,6,18,62,126; 4:56,158,165; 5:38,95,118; 6:96; 8:10,49,63,67; 9:40,71; 11:66; 14:1,4,47; 16:60; 22:40,74; 26:9, 68, 104,122,140,159,175,191,217; 27:9,78; 29:26,42:30:5,27; 31:9,27; 33:25; 34:6,27; 35:2,28; 36:5,38; 38:9,66; 39:1,5,37; 40:2,8,42; 41:12; 42:3,19; 43:9; 44:42; 45:2,37; 46:2; 48:7,19; 54:42; 57:1,25; 58:21; 59:1,23,24; 60:5; 61:1; 62:1,3; 64:18; 67:2; 85:8


Anger 3:134; 4:93; 7:154; 21:87; 48:6; 60:13


Annulment of marriage 2:236-237

Ant 27:18

Arabic, Quran 12:2; 13:37; 14:4; 16:103; 19:97; 20:113; 26:195,198; 39:28; 41:3,44; 42:7; 43:3; 46:12

Arabs 6:66; 9:90,97-99,101,120; 43:57-58; 48:11,16; 49:14

Arafat 2:198


Atom 4:40; 10:61; 34:3,22; 99:7,8

Atonement see Expiation 4:92; 5:95


Avenging 16:126; 17:33; 22:60; 42:41

Azar 6:74


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Baby,see Infants

Backbiting 49:12; 68:11; 104:1

Badr,battle of 3:121-124

Banishment 5:33; 20:97

Basmalah 1:1; 6:118; 9:0; 11:41; 27:30


Bearing witness 3:86; 4:135; 5:8; 6:152; 7:172; 25:72; 63:1

Becca 3:96

Bee 16:68-69

Begging 2:177,273



Big Bang Theory 21:30

Birds 2:260; 3:49; 5:110; 6:38; 12:36,41; 16:79; 21:79; 24:41; 27:16-26; 34:10; 38:19; 56:21; 67:19

Birth 3:36; 19:23; 31:14; 35:11; 41:47; 46:15; 65:4-6; 90:3

Blasphemies 4:48,112; 5:17-18,72-73; 6:138; 9:37; 17:40; 19:88-89; 25:4,21; 33:58; 37:149-161; 56:46; 72:3-5

Blessings, uncountable 2:212; 14:34; 16:18

2:18,171; 3:49; 5:71,110; 6:50,104; 7:64; 10:43; 11:24; 13:16,19; 17:72,97; 20:124,125; 22:46; 24:61; 25:73; 27:81; 30:53; 35:19; 40:58; 41:17,44; 43:40; 47:23; 48:17; 54:37; 80:2

Blood, prohibited as food 2:173; 5:3; 6:145; 16:115

Boasting 4:36; 31:18; 57:20; 90:6

Bodies 2:247; 7:20,22,26,27; 10:92; 20:121; 21:8; 81:7; 82:7-8; 95:4

Bond 2:256,283; 31:22

Bones 2:259; 6:146; 17:49,98; 19:4; 36:78; 75:3


Bounteous, God is 2:247,261,268; 3:73; 4:130; 5:54; 24:32

Bribery 2:188

Business 9:24,28; 24:37; 48:11; 62:9,11; 63:9; 73:7; 78:11


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Cain 5:27-32

Calendar 2:197; 9:36

Calf 2:51,54,92-93; 4:153; 7:148,152; 11:69; 20:88,96; 51:26

Camels 6:144; 7:40,73,77; 11:64; 12:65,72; 17:59; 26:155; 54:27,29; 77:33; 88:17; 91:13

Cannibalism 49:12

Capital 2:279-280

Capital punishment 2:178-179; 5:32

Captives 2:85; 4:24; 8:67,70; 33:26; 47:4; 60:10; 76:8

Caravan 5:96; 8:42; 12:10,19,70,82,94

Cattle 6:144,146; 39:6

Cave, people of the 18:9-26

Certainty, attaining 2:118; 6:75; 15:99; 26:24; 45:20; 74:47



Cheating (see also Dishonesty) 2:282; 4:161; 7:85; 9:34; 11:84-85; 26:181-183; 55:9; 57:14; 83:1,3

Chests 6:125; 22:46; 24:31; 28:69; 29:49


Children of Israel (see also Jews)

Christ see Jesus, Messiah


Churches 7:29; 22:40

Clay, created from 6:2; 7:12; 15:26, 28,33; 17:61; 23:12; 32:7; 37:11; 38:71,76; 55:14

Clement, God is 2:225,235,263; 3:155; 4:12; 5:101; 17:44; 22:59; 33:51; 35:41; 64:17

Clergy (see also Priests, Rabbis, Scholars) 9:31,34

Closeness, to God 4:172; 56:11; 94:8

Clot see Embryos

Clothing 2:233; 4:5; 6:142; 7:31; 22:23; 24:60; 33:55,59; 35:33

Clouds 2:57,164,210; 7:57,160; 13:12; 24:40,43; 27:88; 30:48; 35:9; 51:2; 52:44; 56:69; 77:3:78:14; 84:16

Code see Quranic Miracle 74:30

Colors 16:13,69; 30:22; 35:27,28

Cognizant, God is 4:35; 6:18,73 ,103; 11:1; 22:63; 31:16,34; 33:34; 34:1; 49:13; 66:3; 67:14

Companions, jinn 4:38; 7:27; 22:13; 41:25; 43:36,38; 50:23,27

Compassionate, God is 2:143,207; 3:30; 6:103; 16:47; 42:19; 57:9; 59:10; 85:14

Compensation 2:178,236,237; 4:6,92; 33:49; 60:11

Competition for righteousness 4:95; 5:48; 57:21; 83:26

Compulsion, none in religion 2:256; 7:88; 10:99; 11:28; 18:20,29

Computer 27:82

Conception 7:189; 53:46 (see also Drop, created from)

Conciliation 4:114,128; 42:40

Conferring see Consultation

Congregations 2:143,213; 3:110; 5:48; 10:19; 11:118; 13:30; 22:34,67; 42:8; 45:28

Consent, mutual 2:233; 4:29

Conservation 9:36

Conspiracy 4:108; 43:79; 58:8-10

Constellations (see also Stars) 15:16; 25:61; 81:16; 85:1

Consultation 2:233; 42:38; 58:12-13

Contact Prayer (Salat)

Contradictions 4:82

Converts 2:62; 5:69; 9:60; 22:17; 28:52

Convictions 2:265; 3:154; 11:31; 31:23; 35:38

Coral 55:22,58

Corruption 2:12,205,251; 5:33,64; 8:73; 10:81; 23:71; 28:83; 30:41; 89:12

Courtesy 4:86


Coveting 2:96; 4:32; 15:88; 20:131

Cows 2:67-71; 12:43


Creator, God is 6:102; 12:101; 13:16; 14:10; 15:86; 23:14; 35:3; 36:81; 37:125; 39:62; 40:62; 59:24

Creatures (see also Animals, Birds & specific names)

Credits 2:286; 9:120-121; 17:79; 25:70; 28:84; 39:10

Creed (see also Religion) 2:120; 3:73; 4:125; 16:123; 22:78

Crime 2:178,191,217; 4:92; 5:27,32,33,38; 6:123-124; 9:66; 11:35; 81:9


Crucifixion 4:157; 5:33; 7:124; 12:41; 20:71; 26:49

Crying 4:75; 9:82; 53:60; 63:4

2:59,88,89,159,161; 3:61,87; 4:46,47; 5:13,64; 6:108; 7:44,162; 8:11; 11:18,60; 13:25; 15:35; 24:7,9,23; 29:25; 33:68; 38:78; 40:52; 45:11; 69:50

Cutting the hand 5:38; 12:31


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